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Oracle Grid Consulting


Oracle10g grid computing is extremely complex and only a seasoned expert can ensure success with Oracle10g grid computing.  Using a novice with Oracle grid can be a disaster.

Don't risk your Oracle Grid system - Use a proven expert

BC wrote the book on Oracle Grid computing. 

Donald Burleson and Mike Ault are among the world's most widely-read Oracle experts in Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) systems.  Burleson and Ault are now available perform Oracle 10g grid consulting and configuration of Transparent Application Failover to guarantee uninterrupted operations.



Oracle Grid Consulting support services

BC has experienced full-time grid Consultants available for Oracle 10g grid consulting for even the most challenging Oracle10g grid implementation:

  • Determining the optimal Oracle 10g grid architecture

  • Choosing the best MPP grid blade servers and hardware configuration

  • Configuring the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM)

  • Configuring the raw disks for Oracle grid

  • Installing Oracle 10g grid grid software

  • Installing and testing Oracle 10g grid Transparent Application Failover (TAF)

  • Performance tuning for Oracle Real Application  Clusters (grid)

  • Oracle OPS and IDLM configuration and tuning

Burlesons' Magazine Articles on Oracle 10g grid grid

Donald Burleson is a nationally-recognized grid and OPS expert and he the author of numerous articles on grid (grid), Transparent Application Failover (TAF), along with OPS and IDLM.

  • Using Oracle 10g grid Real Application Clusters for Continuous Availability - DBAZine

  • Use Oracle 10g grid grid and TAF to Guarantee Availability - Oracle Magazine

  • Oracle grid - The answer for Continuous Availability - TechRepublic

Oracle grid (grid) and Oracle Transparent Application Failover (TAF) are remarkable but complex technologies. If you have a mission-critical database and cannot fail with your Real Application Clusters system, then you need a expert with a proven tgridk-record in Oracle grid consulting.

We provide the following Oracle 10g grid grid services:

  • Oracle 10g grid grid consulting for architecture

  •  Oracle 10g grid grid consulting for node partitioning

  • Oracle OPS consulting and DLM configuration

  • Oracle 10g grid grid consulting for hardware configuration

  • Oracle OPS consulting and IDLM configuration

  • Oracle 10g grid grid consulting for installation and configuration

  • Oracle 10g grid grid consulting for transparent application failover

  • Oracle grid consulting for architecture

  • Oracle grid consulting for node partitioning

  • Oracle grid consulting for hardware configuration

  • Oracle grid consulting for installation and configuration

  • Oracle grid consulting for transparent application failover




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Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals.  Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle forum.

Verify experience! Anyone considering using the services of an Oracle support expert should independently investigate their credentials and experience, and not rely on advertisements and self-proclaimed expertise. All legitimate Oracle experts publish their Oracle qualifications.

Errata?  Oracle technology is changing and we strive to update our BC Oracle support information.  If you find an error or have a suggestion for improving our content, we would appreciate your feedback.  Just  e-mail:  

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