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redo log sizing tips

Oracle Tips by Burleson

27 February 2016

Every DBA knows that the size of their redo logs is very important.  Too small, and the frequent log switches tie-up the LGWR, ARCH and DBWR background processes.  Too large and you risk losing data during an instance crash.

As a general rule of thumb, Oracle recommends that you size your online redo logs not to switch more then 5 times per hour during peak DML times.  Also see my notes on fixing frequent log switches and these notes on tuning_online_redo_logs for RAC.

Here is a script that measures redo log sizing and log switches:

Here are some sample scripts to display the log switch frequency:

set lines 120;
set pages 999;
to_char(first_time,'YYYY-MON-DD') day,
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'00',1,0)),'99') "00",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'01',1,0)),'99') "01",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'02',1,0)),'99') "02",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'03',1,0)),'99') "03",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'04',1,0)),'99') "04",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'05',1,0)),'99') "05",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'06',1,0)),'99') "06",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'07',1,0)),'99') "07",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'08',1,0)),'99') "0",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'09',1,0)),'99') "09",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'10',1,0)),'99') "10",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'11',1,0)),'99') "11",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'12',1,0)),'99') "12",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'13',1,0)),'99') "13",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'14',1,0)),'99') "14",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'15',1,0)),'99') "15",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'16',1,0)),'99') "16",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'17',1,0)),'99') "17",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'18',1,0)),'99') "18",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'19',1,0)),'99') "19",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'20',1,0)),'99') "20",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'21',1,0)),'99') "21",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'22',1,0)),'99') "22",
to_char(sum(decode(to_char(first_time,'HH24'),'23',1,0)),'99') "23"
see code depot for full script

This log switch script is handy because it displays the log switch activity as a two-dimensional table, showing log switches by hours of the day and log switches by date:


DAY 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
----- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --
01/04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 5 11 1 0 0 1 0
01/05 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 4 1 6 5 5 32 0 1 0 3 3
01/06 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6 1 3 9 10 5 0 1 1
01/07 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 7 14 0 1 1 0 0
01/08 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0
01/09 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
01/10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 4 1 60 1 2 0 0 0
01/11 1 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
12/12 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 35 1 1 37 31 10 17 0 1

There are many ways to display the log switching frequency using v$log_history. This script display log switches in a linear format, useful for redo log sizing:

to_char(b.first_time,"dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss") start_time,

to_char(a.first_time,"dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss") end_time,
round(((a.first_time-b.first_time)*25)*60,2) minutes
See code depot for full script
v$log_history a,
v$log_history b
a.recid = b.recid+1
a.first_time between to_date("2010-04-14:00:00:00","yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss")
order by
a.first_time asc;

This script will show the hourly count of log switches:

col day format a15;
col hour format a4;
col total format 999;

to_char(first_time,"yyyy-mm-dd") day,
to_char(first_time,"hh24′) hour,
count(*) total
See code depot for full script
group by
order by


Using the redo log sizing advisor

The following SQL will give advice on the optimal size of the redo logs, but manual inspection of redo log switch frequency is always the best approach:

      ROUND (AVG (BYTES) / 1024 / 1024, 2)
      V$LOG) AS "Redo size (MB)",
   ROUND ( (20 / AVERAGE_PERIOD) * (SELECT AVG (BYTES) FROM V$LOG) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS "Recommended Size (MB)"
   (SELECT AVG ( (NEXT_TIME - FIRST_TIME) * 24 * 60) AS   
   TO_CHAR (FIRST_TIME, 'HH24:MI') BETWEEN '16:00' AND '17:00');


Oracle 10g introduced an advisory utility that allows you to specify your optimal mean time to recovery (MTTR) recovery interval and uses this to suggest the optimal redo log size.  In Oracle 10g the fast_start_mttr_target parameter is used.

Oracle recommends using the fast_start_mttr_target initialization parameter to control the duration of startup after instance failure. With 10g, the Oracle database can now self-tune check-pointing to achieve good recovery times with low impact on normal throughput. You no longer have to set any checkpoint-related parameters.

This method reduces the time required for crash recovery and makes the recovery bounded and predictable by limiting the number of dirty buffers and the number of redo records generated between the most recent redo record and the last checkpoint. Administrators specify a target (bounded) time to complete the cache recovery phase of recovery with the fast_start_mttr_target initialization parameter, and Oracle automatically varies the incremental checkpoint writes to meet that target.

The target_mttr field of v$instance_recovery contains the MTTR target in effect. The estimated_mttr field of v$instance_recovery contains the estimated MTTR should a crash happen right away.

 For example,



----------- -------------- -----------------

         37             22            209187

Whenever you set fast_start_mttr_target to a nonzero value, and while MTTR advisory is ON, Oracle Corporation recommends that you disable (set to 0) the following parameters:




Querying the redo log advisor

In addition to the MTTR information in v$instance_recovery we also have an important column called optimal_logfile_size, and we can query for this value at any time.  The value for optimal_logfile_size is expressed in megabytes and it changes frequently, based on the DML load on your database.  For example,




If your database is relatively stable, then you can use this suggested size and rebuild your online redo log files to match the value.  We would expect that a future version of Oracle will automate this and allow for dynamic re-sizing of online redo log files, but this is an issues because many Oracle systems expect the archived redo log files to always be the same size.

The sizing redo log files can influence performance because DBWR, LGWR and ARCH are all working during high DML periods.

A too small online redo log file size can cause slowdowns from excessive DBWR and checkpointing behavior.  A high checkpointing frequency and the "log file switch (checkpoint incomplete) can cause slowdowns.


- Redo log sizing advisory [MOSC ID 274264.1]

- How to Estimate Size of Redo Logs [MOSC ID 1038851.6]

- General Guideline For Sizing The Online Redo Log Files [MOSC ID 781999.1]




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