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Oracle Metric User Calls Per Txn

Oracle Consulting Tips by Burleson


The Oracle Documentation notes: The User Calls Per Txn Oracle metric data item represents the number of logins, parses, or execute calls per transaction during the sample period.

The value of this statistic will be zero if there have not been any write or update transactions committed or rolled back during the last sample period. If the bulk of the activity to the database is read only, the corresponding "per second" data item of the same name will be a better indicator of current performance.

This test checks the number of logins, parses, or execute calls per second. If the value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.

The Ion tool can monitor user changes per second

If you are looking to enhance your Oracle tuning skills, you may enjoy Rampant TechPress – Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference by Donald K. Burleson , with over 900 pages of BC's favorite tuning tips & scripts. 

 You can buy it directly from the publisher and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.



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Note: This Oracle documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our DBA performance tuning consulting professionals.  Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle forum.

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